Cyril Kulenović

Cyril Kulenović

Electoral and political expert

Cyril Kulenović is an election and political expert, specialized in civil and electoral registers implementation, maintenance and audit. He currently works as the Program Coordinator for technical support to Transitional Governments at the International Organization of the Francophonie. He studied political sciences and earned a master’s degree in geopolitical studies specializing in public administration modernization. After three years at the French Embassy in Ukraine, he joined the French territorial administration, where he spent eight years conducting electoral cycles, population censuses, and public service modernization programs. He was also reporter for the French Commission on Electoral Accounts and Political Financing Control for ten years. Since 2010, Cyril has held various roles, in parallel, with international organizations involved in electoral support or observation (EU, ECES, OAS, OEBS-ODIHR, IFES, etc.), as Election expert or observer in several countries such as Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Haïti, Algeria, DRC, Comoros, Zambia, Sudan and South Sudan, Guinea, Burkina Faso, Mali, Côte d’Ivoire, etc. Cyril is also a trainer for French local council members and election administration officials and for international observers, focusing on Civil and/or Voter Registers, the implementation of electoral cycles, electoral law, public service modernization programs, and campaign financing.